segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2020

Distribuição de ração quente a soldados portugueses entrincheirados

 Distribuição de ração quente a soldados portugueses entrincheirados

Five soldiers are standing in a trench. The trench is relatively wide and more than a person deep. Along the right side it is topped by tall grasses and bushes and lined with duckboards. The other side of the trench is open and lined with sandbags. The bottom of the trench is covered with duckboards of varying heights and one of the soldiers is standing on one of these platforms. Two of the soldiers have vats or canteens on their backs while another soldier ladles liquid out and into his mug. Due to the distance and amount of soldiers involved on the Western Front, hot food was difficult to distribute and at the whim of any disruption. [Original reads: 'OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN ON THE BRITISH WESTERN FRONT. Portuguese in the trenches. Arrival of hot rations.']

National Library of Scotland:

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